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About BC Notaries

Bc Notaries Online

BC Notaries are a specialized group of legal professionals appointed for life by the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

BC Notaries are recognized for their unquestionable professionalism, honesty, and integrity.

“The qualities of a Notary Public have remained constant throughout history – a person of impeccable integrity with a long tradition of trust.

A Notary’s word, signature, and Notarial Seal are time-honoured testaments to the character of this specialized professional.”

The SOCIETY OF NOTARIES PUBLIC is the governing body for Notaries Public in BC.

The information found below can be found on the society’s website, which is www.notaries.bc.ca

BC Notaries are trained in non-contentious legal matters.

These training courses are offered through an intense Master’s Degree University Program geared specifically for the Notary Profession.

Notaries specialize in preparing documents that define and protect interests in property.

BC Notaries ensure that your legal documents are prepared accurately and efficiently.

A notary is someone whom you can trust and someone who will advise you in your personal best interests.